7 ● LA REGIONE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA ● Lettura e Comprensione
7 ● LA REGIONE FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA ● Lettura e Comprensione
Italy is divided into 20 regions. This file discusses the region of FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA. It offers valuable exercises in reading comprehension and vocabulary expansion. The exercises are designed to measure your own self-paced progress.
A corresponding file with the same text and the correct answers of all the exercises may also be purchased separately. Please look for the file called: CONTROLLO NUMERO 7 ● La Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Included in this file:
● Geographical location and map of the region
● One-page study of the region
● Multiple choice exercise to define expressions
● Multiple choice exercise of missing sentence parts
● Fun-learning Italian cross-word puzzle game (cruciverba)
● Expressions with the verb VENIRE
● When to use VENIRE instead of ESSERE
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